Forums - ATTENTION ppl who went to B5 and saw the MVC2 matchups! Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- ATTENTION ppl who went to B5 and saw the MVC2 matchups! ( Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:22:2001 10:28 PM: Justin Wong's B5 Storm/Sent/Cammy Team Mechanics! Thank you in advance for coming to this post. To make things easier to read, I will keep on updating this same post you are now reading as well as reply to your messages and strategies. The following are some of the mechanics of the B5 justin wong team: - The team is Storm(Projectile Assist)/Sent (Drone Assist)/Cammy AAA - Storm in the beginning of the match will runaway/rush-down until 2 levels of super are built up. The purpose of this is so that Storm can do her 100% DHC of Death combo. - Storm will try not to trade damage with anyother characters unless she can land a 100% DHC of Death combo afterwards because Storm is too valuable/essential to the team. - This can be done by doing a launch with Storm, sj. lp, sj. mp, lightning attack once, lightning super, (after the lightning super finishes ½ second later) DHC into Sentinel’s HSF, s. hk, (after ¼ second) call Cammy AAA, sj. fp, (cammy hits), rocket punch forwards. - For storm’s triangle jump, wong uses lk because of it has range, comes out faster, and will allow her to quickly recover to prevent getting hit by some AAA’s, but it’s still possible to get hit by them. If you use the fk or the fp version of the triangle jump, you will get more meter, but you will have more lag and people can react to it faster due to the time it takes for the fk or the fp to come out compared to the lk. - When storm is on point, the Sentinel assist isn't used very much because if he gets hurt a lot, the DHC of Death won’t be as effective. This is because when Sentinel is DHCed in, he will have a part of his health gone and so the advantage of one character’s health will be lowered to probably ¾ or maybe even ½. - While Sentinel is on point, he throws a lot while in fly mode. After the throwing lag, Cammy can be called and whe will hit the opponent back up into the air or hit them and then they will roll backwards sort of like an OTG. This tactic can only be done if the other character is at super jump level or else the Cammy assist will not connect. This combo does a huge load of damage as well and is unblockable and unpredictable sometimes. - Sentinel can do his trap with Storm by doing s.hp + call storm projectile assist, hp rocket punch forwards until the opponent is hit/stunned, Storm assist hits, s.hp, lk. drones. After the 2nd s.hp in the Sentinel/Storm trap, Sentinel can go into fly mode and then go for a flying hp on top of the opponent. This trap can also be done with the variety assist for Storm. - Justin’s Sentinel will go for the Stomp-O-Meter while using the storm/cammy assists as well. - Sentinel will try not to enter play with a Cable that has many supers on hand because many ppl know that a cable/AAA has an advantage over sentinel especially if it is a cammy AAA too. - The cammy assists is used to counter other assists mainly and it’s secondary purpose is for getting extra hits into combos or to lengthen combos, especially the DHC of death. - Cammy is very vulnerable after her assist is performed so one needs to protect her by either flying with Sentinel or triangle jumping and crossing over the opponent to prevent Cammy from dying due to her incredible vulnerability to getting hurt. - The Cammy AAA was used many times to counter, defend as well as to be on the offensive side of the match. He used it as bait so that his Storm could set up for the DHC of Death. - This team is a real pain to teams that have cable first and sometimes second because of storm's DHC of death and because it is hard for the opponent to switch cable in unless they DHC him in using the TimeFlip super which is really safe. Cable on point will not be able to build as much meter and so storm's rushdown is much more effective. - Sadly, this team is more about skill than mechanics as said by many other users. The following are my questions/explainations that I would please ask to answer: What I'd like to know is the team mechanics of Justin Wong's Storm/Sentinel/Cammy Team. I have some of the mechanics, but there are some of them that I am unsure of how to perform accurately. I know he used the 100% combo to kill the opponents, but since Duc Do and many other players used cable, how did his sent fair with the cables? I mean, cable can just like chip-away all day with a good AAA just like Justin Wong did to Alex Valle. Also, I have heard other ppl on talk about a sentinel/storm trap and what not, I know a couple of versions, but is there another version to the trap? Also, after I do the 100% combo, my team order turns into sent/cammy/storm. This proved to be really hard to do another 100% combo because either 2 switches were needed or 3 DHC's had to be made to get back to storm/sent/cammy, is there a way that he made it so that he could get back to his storm/sent/cammy order or did he just play this way? Also can anyone tell me details about the matches of him and other players when he used this team? Also for Sentinel's throw into the Cammy AAA, how does he do it? I mean, if he is in fly mode and does it and then calls cammy, it works. Is there any other way to do this without going into flight mode? The following are a review questions that I would hope that you answer. Thank You! How did his sentinel do against cables? How is the sent/storm trap performed? How does justin get back to hist storm/sent/cammy order after doing a 100% combo? (Important?) Details of matches about him vs. other ppl using this team. How is the flight mode throw into Cammy AAA performed properly? Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:23:2001 12:11 AM: Can anyone please help? Posted by Servebot on 10:23:2001 01:19 AM: What is the exact way of doing the 100% percent combo, it involves DHC Storm into Sentinel, if so what is the exact timing og the DHC? Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:23:2001 01:26 AM: well it is storm launch, sj. lp,,lightning attack, lightning super, after the super finishes like 1/2 second do a DHC into sent HSF and then launch with hk, call cammy like 1/2 sec later, sj.fp, rocket punch That's the DHC of death I use and it kills almost everyone maybe except for sent, and some others Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:23:2001 04:18 PM: Isn't anyone gonna help? Posted by Amdabes on 10:23:2001 08:58 PM: I dont know the answer to any of those questions but I think This combo does more damage launch, sj, hp, airdash df, lk, mk, lightining attack, lightining storm, DHC ... Are you sure it's an %100 combo, cause I know this one isnt, Or maybe the damage on your machine is higher than the one on mine. Posted by Sicx on 10:23:2001 09:47 PM: hmm well i was at B5, From what i saw wong would get 2 meters ASAP! When he gets 2 meter he would try to land STorm Bread and butter dhc to HSF then the rest.... Wongs sent was really good, He can throw in the air better then anyone ive seen whenever he threw someone w/ sent he would have cammy aaa hit them as the throw ended.... Chunks of dmg is all i can say. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:23:2001 10:06 PM: Wow!!! Someone people finally replied me!!! Well, quote: I dont know the answer to any of those questions but I think This combo does more damage I'm not sure if ur combo is the real one, but may users on have stated to me that mine was the DHC of death or 100% combo, anyways, urs probably works just as well as mine does or even better. quote: hmm well i was at B5, From what i saw wong would get 2 meters ASAP! When he gets 2 meter he would try to land STorm Bread and butter dhc to HSF then the rest.... Wongs sent was really good, He can throw in the air better then anyone ive seen whenever he threw someone w/ sent he would have cammy aaa hit them as the throw ended.... Chunks of dmg is all i can say. Here's the KEY to his sent...actually, I don't quite understand the concept. Does sent go into fly mode and then throw and then call cammy right away after his throw lag has gone away? Also, what can u do next after the cammy like maybe a rocket punch or what not. I think this is a really good tactic and all, but there's got to be more, so please peeps, help me!!! Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:24:2001 02:58 PM: Plz, some more ppl help me Posted by Adam*Warlock on 10:24:2001 04:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Amdabes I dont know the answer to any of those questions but I think This combo does more damage launch, sj, hp, airdash df, lk, mk, lightining attack, lightining storm, DHC ... Are you sure it's an %100 combo, cause I know this one isnt, Or maybe the damage on your machine is higher than the one on mine. Actually, that combo has an extra hit in it. That one hit makes the damage scale down and so you don't get max damage from sent. If you do it correctly (without extra storm hits) then the combo is 100%. The most crucial part as I understand it, is the Cammt connection. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:24:2001 09:26 PM: Plz post ur strats about this team Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:24:2001 11:46 PM: I've posted even more than others. this is so man... Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:25:2001 12:37 AM: man, i think'll just have to give up... no one ain't answering Posted by ReCharredSigh on 10:25:2001 01:45 AM: hey, someone please post! i'm very interested in how justin plays his storm-based team too. i'm wondering how he plays his sentinel, cause usually you need a totally vertical coverage AAA to play sentinel's flight offense well(bh is best, capcom a close 2nd, which is why if i ever use storm/sent as point, i'd put capcom as 3rd instead of cammy), and so i'd like to know just how he uses this team. as far is i know, i believe justin's storm uses the light kick for the triangle jump, and he uses sentinel's ground assist to clear the way so storm can get in. if he's cornered the opponent, he tends to go for this combo: triangle jumping short\/c.short,c.strong,s.roundhouse/\ sj.roundhouse-->triangle jumping short,forward\/s.short,s.jab,s.fierce,s.roundhouse decent damage, but most importantly, builds a lot of meter. also, does cammy AAA only get around to being used for adding hits to combos, and specifically which ones(besides the storm/sent DHC and sent's throw+AAA combo), or does he also use it for defense? stuff about the cammy AAA and how justin uses it would be nice. oh yeah, don't people always use projectile assist for storm? justin may have used variety assist for the vertical typhoon to support sentinel, but that stuff comes out way too slow. someone please reply, i'm curious too. Posted by Sicx on 10:25:2001 02:18 AM: No i dont think he went to fly mode, hes just that good at throwing. In just for fun play w/ cammy he threw on command almost everytime. Wong doesnt make many mistakes w/ calling assists I think that is what makes him the best of the best, he can cover his ass ..... Posted by BlackShinobi on 10:25:2001 05:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by ReCharredSigh hey, someone please post! i'm very interested in how justin plays his storm-based team too. i'm wondering how he plays his sentinel, cause usually you need a totally vertical coverage AAA to play sentinel's flight offense well(bh is best, capcom a close 2nd, which is why if i ever use storm/sent as point, i'd put capcom as 3rd instead of cammy), and so i'd like to know just how he uses this team. as far is i know, i believe justin's storm uses the light kick for the triangle jump, and he uses sentinel's ground assist to clear the way so storm can get in. if he's cornered the opponent, he tends to go for this combo: triangle jumping short\/c.short,c.strong,s.roundhouse/\ sj.roundhouse-->triangle jumping short,forward\/s.short,s.jab,s.fierce,s.roundhouse decent damage, but most importantly, builds a lot of meter. also, does cammy AAA only get around to being used for adding hits to combos, and specifically which ones(besides the storm/sent DHC and sent's throw+AAA combo), or does he also use it for defense? stuff about the cammy AAA and how justin uses it would be nice. oh yeah, don't people always use projectile assist for storm? justin may have used variety assist for the vertical typhoon to support sentinel, but that stuff comes out way too slow. someone please reply, i'm curious too. just for adding hits cammy is all in your ass for the whole fight AND SHES SAFE. IF you don't count fights with Cable I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen his cammy die as a assist without ever coming out as a point character. and Even against cable that number probably tripples and even thats still a pretty small number for what it represents You can actually get caught up in fighting cammy, And if you do you're dead. Sentinel and storm(variety) have a better trap c.HP + call storm, Rocket punch, c.HP, call lk drones + if you can stomp right shes doesn't change things that much when it comes to adding pressure. I think you are trying to use her as a reactionary assist, like if doom SJs and you call out BH AAA. Storm doesn't really work like that her assist is too slow. but it is good at holding people in place and if you are applying pressure. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:25:2001 04:45 PM: quote: hey, someone please post! i'm very interested in how justin plays his storm-based team too. i'm wondering how he plays his sentinel, cause usually you need a totally vertical coverage AAA to play sentinel's flight offense well(bh is best, capcom a close 2nd, which is why if i ever use storm/sent as point, i'd put capcom as 3rd instead of cammy), and so i'd like to know just how he uses this team. well, I think that the correct combo for his building meter is done in the corner and goes something like this: any chain combo into a launch, sj. Fp OR sj. Fk, air dash down/forward, sj. Fk,,, s.fp, Also, the cammy assist is more of a counter assist rather than an assist for adding hits. When another player calls an assist like cc, cammy can be called out to knock cc into the air allowing storm/sent to rush down/stomp. I’ve been testing with storm and have found out that her variety assist type makes the block stun longer and the timing to get out of it when used in essence with sent it really makes it really hard to get out of. But, if the opponent is cable and u try the s.hp into rocket punch, they can AHVB you and your storm after your rocket punch, which is pretty bad because the time for storm to actually throw the typhoon is very laggy. Also, the projectile assist can be used in essence with cammy much better than the variety assist. For example, you can call storm assist, jump cannon drill to the other side and cross the opponent up. Even if the opponent isn’t crossed up, storm is still safe and your cammy can continue with a ground chain for meter or whatever. Basically what I am trying to say is that the projectile assist is useful for sent and cammy, whereas the variety assist is only really good with sent. quote: No i dont think he went to fly mode, hes just that good at throwing. In just for fun play w/ cammy he threw on command almost everytime. Wong doesnt make many mistakes w/ calling assists I think that is what makes him the best of the best, he can cover his ass ..... for enough time for cammy to come out to hit the opponent after a throw, the throw must be made at super jump level which means sent must be in fly mode or else cammy assist cannot be called out. quote: just for adding hits cammy is all in your ass for the whole fight AND SHES SAFE. IF you don't count fights with Cable I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen his cammy die as a assist without ever coming out as a point character. and Even against cable that number probably tripples and even thats still a pretty small number for what it represents You can actually get caught up in fighting cammy, And if you do you're dead. True, I agree with what you say too and in the ECC tourney finals, I have seen wong's cammy die to multiple Ahvb's. This is because Cammy will bounce of things and so a cross up must be made to prevent this. After calling cammy and hitting the other player’s assist, do a triangle jump to cross over with storm and do a ground chain to protect cammy as well as try to get an opening, and for sent, just jump + lk,, fly, lk, hk. This will allow sent to get some block damage as well as let cammy not get hurt by AHVB. Of course, when entering fly mode, fast cables can AHVB you. Keep the strats coming Posted by Ein2001 on 10:25:2001 05:26 PM: Did Justin Wong ever call out sentinel's assist and at about the same time do lightning attack with storm? Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:25:2001 05:42 PM: quote: Did Justin Wong ever call out sentinel's assist and at about the same time do lightning attack with storm? Well, from my knowledge, I don't think he did that because of annoying AAA's like from cc, psylocke, cyclops, cammy, etc. The time between Sentinel's assist and for Storm's lightning attack to hit has a bit of lag and smart players can AAA during this time andwhen Storm flies in with her head about to hit the opponent, the AAA interrupts everything and storm will get hit. Their helper will get damaged, but Storm is so important in the team that trading damage is not worthwhile. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:25:2001 09:25 PM: No more strats??? : Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:25:2001 10:08 PM: Please help!!! This is Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 10:25:2001 10:36 PM: how do people generally do the lk triangle jump with storm. ive seen vids where she does the lk tjump but i also saw that they use lp in there too. is there any pattern to this lk/lp tjump? Posted by Who on 10:25:2001 11:13 PM: Re: ATTENTION B5 ppl who saw the justin wong team! quote: Originally posted by Chun Ting Che Thank you in advance for coming to this post. To make things easier to read, I will keep on updating this same post you are now reading as well as reply to your messages and strategies. What helper type does he use for storm? How did his sentinel do against cables? Did Storm use a lot of sentinel assists or mostly cammy? How is the sent/storm trap performed? How does justin get back to hist storm/sent/cammy order after doing a 100% combo? Okay that was long! Here goes with your follow-up questions.... Storms assist was projectile. His Sentinel really didn't face Cable all that much and if it did jwong faced Cable's with little or no supers at hand. In the matches against Duc, jwong didn't always easily defeat Duc. He tried to make sure that Duc didn't build many supers. Also it is hard to safely switch in Cable when Storm is the active character. If you switch him in and do not connect or bring him in safely Storm will instantly get the deadly hyper cancel. Also Duc uses mainly the AAA of Cyc if he uses one. Duc's other team is Spiral/Sent/Cable. So in essence Cable doesn't have an AAA to help him all the time. In almost every match I saw, jwong would assist Cammy like crazy!! She is a powerful assist that obtains good height on the screen and invincible at some point. I've seen him use the Sent assist but very rarely. I think he mainly used it to change it up and keep the opp guessing. He used it while doing triangle jumps with the opponent in the corner too. I'm not quite sure what Sent/Storm trap you're talkin about. Usually he doesn't have to his Sent is pretty good and can take some characters out. Sorry it's been a while I don't really remember how he did switch her in. The only safe way I can think of is to build meter with Sent then triple HC to Storm. I think he may have just switched him in at opportune times. Posted by Who on 10:25:2001 11:24 PM: The combo jwong does in the corner is: tiangle jump lk,, c.sp, hk, ^, airdash df, hk, land and lk, lp, hp, hk. You can jump and grab after but they can also hit you too. Cammy's assist is defensive when he uses it also. Example if Cable does a AHVB (to chip) meaning you can block it, if your close you can call Cammy's AAA and it will go through the AHVB and hit Cable. If Cammy's AAA hits you don't have to worry much about her getting hit back, she has decent recovery time. Nick:I don't think there is a pattern. Jwong mostly uses lk for triangle jumps and an occasional hp or hk to build meter. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:25:2001 11:46 PM: quote: how do people generally do the lk triangle jump with storm. ive seen vids where she does the lk tjump but i also saw that they use lp in there too. is there any pattern to this lk/lp tjump? quote: Well, ppl will usually just triangle jump in the lk when storm is pretty much near the ground or else the will not connect. There isn't really a pattern for the lk/lp, but it can be used to keep the opponent guessing and what not. Storms assist was projectile. His Sentinel really didn't face Cable all that much and if it did jwong faced Cable's with little or no supers at hand. In the matches against Duc, jwong didn't always easily defeat Duc. He tried to make sure that Duc didn't build many supers. Also it is hard to safely switch in Cable when Storm is the active character. If you switch him in and do not connect or bring him in safely Storm will instantly get the deadly hyper cancel. Also Duc uses mainly the AAA of Cyc if he uses one. Duc's other team is Spiral/Sent/Cable. So in essence Cable doesn't have an AAA to help him all the time. In almost every match I saw, jwong would assist Cammy like crazy!! She is a powerful assist that obtains good height on the screen and invincible at some point. I've seen him use the Sent assist but very rarely. I think he mainly used it to change it up and keep the opp guessing. He used it while doing triangle jumps with the opponent in the corner too. I'm not quite sure what Sent/Storm trap you're talkin about. Usually he doesn't have to his Sent is pretty good and can take some characters out. Sorry it's been a while I don't really remember how he did switch her in. The only safe way I can think of is to build meter with Sent then triple HC to Storm. I think he may have just switched him in at opportune times. The combo jwong does in the corner is: tiangle jump lk,, c.sp, hk, ^, airdash df, hk, land and lk, lp, hp, hk. You can jump and grab after but they can also hit you too. Cammy's assist is defensive when he uses it also. Example if Cable does a AHVB (to chip) meaning you can block it, if your close you can call Cammy's AAA and it will go through the AHVB and hit Cable. If Cammy's AAA hits you don't have to worry much about her getting hit back, she has decent recovery time. Nick:I don't think there is a pattern. Jwong mostly uses lk for triangle jumps and an occasional hp or hk to build meter. First off, thank you. You have given me a lot of information. I agree with all your points. I wish he had used Sent when cable had many supers but, guess he's too good for that. I will add this info into the 1st post. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:26:2001 12:48 AM: Come on peeps, I know there's more strategies than this, even if there aren't, please tell me so I don't have to keep on looking for them!!! Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:26:2001 01:09 AM: Re: ATTENTION B5 ppl who saw the justin wong team! Wow, you're really persistant!! You just need to realize that Justin is simply good, no matter who he uses! I've heard of him using Guile/Marrow/Tron and Cammy/Guile/Charlie teams, and dominating Sentinels, Storms, Cables, etc. with those teams. Most of the posts have already stated the team dynamics (100% combo, Cammy as a counter-assist), the rest is just Justin being a good and smart player. Don't forget about the B5 DVD that will be coming out pretty soon (before Thanksgiving I believe). That will have the Justin vs. Duc matches. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:26:2001 01:21 AM: quote: You just need to realize that Justin is simply good, no matter who he uses! I've heard of him using Guile/Marrow/Tron and Cammy/Guile/Charlie teams, and dominating Sentinels, Storms, Cables, etc. with those teams. Most of the posts have already stated the team dynamics (100% combo, Cammy as a counter-assist), the rest is just Justin being a good and smart player. Don't forget about the B5 DVD that will be coming out pretty soon (before Thanksgiving I believe). That will have the Justin vs. Duc matches. Yes, I realize this too. It's probably talent or it's probably just practice or both. Before Thanksgiving? It's already past thanksgiving isn't it? Anyways, I'll try to get the DVD, but I think I can't because I don't have paypal or visa and stuff. Sending money is too risky, but if cheques can be used, I'll probably buy it depending on the price. I won't buy a dvd just for a couple of matches you know... Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:26:2001 01:38 AM: Thanksgiving is in November, its still October now. Just go to the Gaming Discussion forum (I think). There's a thread there that describes all the conditions of the B5 DVD. Posted by ReCharredSigh on 10:28:2001 12:49 AM: hey Chun Ting Che, i realize you're in canada. he's talking about the american thanksgiving, which is end of november, i realize canada must have an earlier thanksgiving or something like that. so if you want an extra oppurtunity to chow down on some turkey, come down before november's end! (doubt you would though) to be honest, most of justin wong's teams aren't too team based. both of his money teams(mag/cable/cammy and storm/sent/cammy) are all based around the 1st character. the 2nd character usually gets jacked up with either poor assists, or not enough meter(cable doesn't have a good projectile assist and ends up with way less meter, and sent doesn't have a good way to do his flight offense). i really do believe that considering this, it is true that it is skill then that determines how well he plays. if you really want to let sent get more chances of succeeding or a more team-based storm/sent team, you have to use capcom in place of cammy(which is what i'm gonna do the next time i play as this team). cammy is in the words of viscant, a "justin-only" character, only he can make her good, cause he's the best player. wow, interesting point on storm's variety assist used as a trap. never thought of that, i'll have to think about that one. yeah, thinking about it, that might be the trap(so then, why are you asking us what it might be?), but although i'm still not too sure what it might be, you might be able to do as a variation C.Fierce(call storm)-->short sent drones, flight, stomping offense but in reality, i think you should use storm's projectile only when you use her. you want to use lock-down ground-to-top "projectiles," nobody does it better than blackheart. Posted by Chun Ting Che on 10:29:2001 04:36 PM: quote: to be honest, most of justin wong's teams aren't too team based. both of his money teams(mag/cable/cammy and storm/sent/cammy) are all based around the 1st character. the 2nd character usually gets jacked up with either poor assists, or not enough meter(cable doesn't have a good projectile assist and ends up with way less meter, and sent doesn't have a good way to do his flight offense). i really do believe that considering this, it is true that it is skill then that determines how well he plays. if you really want to let sent get more chances of succeeding or a more team-based storm/sent team, you have to use capcom in place of cammy(which is what i'm gonna do the next time i play as this team). cammy is in the words of viscant, a "justin-only" character, only he can make her good, cause he's the best player. I understand your point here. I have heard many people talk about his skills and what not. I will add this to the mechanics of the team. If anyone else has anymore strategies or tactics with this team, please post! All times are GMT. The time now is 10:32 PM. Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.